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Physico-chemical characterization

The physico-chemical characterization platform is the result of collaboration between research groups in the field of biomaterials. It offers access to a multitude of high-tech devices allowing a complete study of materials.  

These devices are operated by members of the laboratory whose expertise focuses on the development of new manufacturing processes and the development of new biomaterials. It is possible to have access to these devices by contacting us.


Small animal imaging platform,

CHU de Québec Research Center (CHUL), 2705 boulevard Laurier, Québec (Qc), G1V 4G2

Phone. (418) 525-4444, extension 47115 (Théophraste Lescot), or 42366 (Marc-André Fortin);



Scanning electron microscope (SEM/SEM) - Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS)

Model : Thermo-Fisher Scientific Quanta 250 (2015)
Description : Analyzes surface topography/morphology (SEM) and EDS measures surface composition
Feature : 1 um depth of analysis


Statue : Physico-chemical characterization infrastructure - CHU de Québec Research Center


Ultraviolet-visible absorption spectrometer ( Ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy - UV–Vis)

Model : Agilent Technologies, Cary 60 UV-Vis (2020)
Description : Determination of solution concentrations, monitoring of reaction kinetics
Usage : The solutions are placed in quartz cuvettes

Statue : Physico-chemical characterization infrastructure - CHU de Québec Research Center

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Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)

Model : Agilent Technologies, Cary FTIR 660 series spectrometer paired with an Agilent Cary FTIR 620 series microscope (2013)
Description : Analyzes the chemical bonds present in a material
Feature : The spectrometer is equipped with an MCT-A detector and a DTGS. The microscope is equipped with a single point MCT-A and an FPA (Focal Plane Array). Possibility of performing analyzes in ATR mode (Attenuated Total Reflection) but also in transmission and reflection. Analysis by microscopy with very good spectral and spatial resolution (6 microns).

Usage :  

Statue : Physico-chemical characterization infrastructure - CHU de Québec Research Center


Thermogravimetric analysis (Thermogravimetric analysis - TGA)

Model : Mettler-Toledo, TGA 2 Star System (2018)
Description : Allows the follow-up of the loss of mass of the material according to the temperature.
Use : Measurement made under controlled atmosphere (nitrogen)

Statue : Physico-chemical characterization infrastructure - CHU de Québec Research Center


Differential thermal analysis ( Differential scanning calorimetry - DSC)

Model : Mettler-Toledo, DSC 823e (1998)

Description : Determines various characteristics of a material, such as the glass transition and melting temperature or its crystallinity.

Characteristic : Measurement made under controlled atmosphere (nitrogen)

Usage :  


Statue : Physico-chemical characterization infrastructure - CHU de Québec Research Center

Measures viscoelastic properties of real-time hydrogels

Model : Rheolution, ElastoSens Bio (2020)
Description : Evaluation of the gelation time and the parameters G, G', 
Usage : Requires 7-8 mL of solution

Statue : Physico-chemical characterization infrastructure - CHU de Québec Research Center


Atomic Force Microscope (Atomic Force Microscope - AFM)

Model : Digital InstrumentsDimension,3100 AFM (1999)
Description : Measures the topography of a surface, 
Feature :
Tapping mode, contact mode, aqueous medium and nanoindentation.



Statue : Physico-chemical characterization infrastructure - CHU de Québec Research Center


X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy - XPS)

Model : Physical Electronics, PHI 5600-ci spectrometer (1994)
Description : Analyzes the chemical composition of the surface and also the type of chemical bonds present on the surface
Characteristic : Depth of analysis from 2 to 10 nm. Overflight analyses, in high resolution, stripping of surfaces possible, analyzes at variable angles. Analysis areas ranging from 30mm to 0.8*0.8mm2
Usage :  

Statue : Physico-chemical characterization infrastructure - CHU de Québec Research Center

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